Crisis Training Ideas Online Excerpt


“Well, no officer. I don’t know why you stopped me.”


“How much have you had to drink tonight?”

“Two beers.”

Two beers. Oh really.

Actually, two beers is the most common answer. Have you ever said these things? I can tell you that I’ve heard it quite a few times. More times than I care to count. Is it always immediately clear that the individual is lying? Usually. Nine times out of ten they are. We train for this type of crisis intervention training online in our crisis intervention training online course. If you are looking for excellent cpi certification visit our cpi certification page at our cpi certification blog, you need the best training possible to protect yourself and others.

I believe, for the most part, people are fairly intuitive. People who are in crisis are especially sensitive, and ready to pick up on anything. That includes any type of feedback you’re providing. If you are going to be dishonest when dealing with someone in crisis, (for instance, you tell them you’re going to do something when you know that you’re not) you need to realize that doing so, is something that can get you into trouble. Are you going to get caught in it? Most likely. Because they know you’re bluffing and you are under the microscope at that moment due to their heightened state.

Any body language, any message that you’re sending, they’re ready to jump on it. If they feel you’re not listening or you’re not being respectful, they’re going to jump on that negativity, and they’re likely to try to use it against you. So, in any instance where you’re getting ready to tell them something that’s not true, hold back. Stop. It’s better to tell them the truth, “You know what? I’m sorry, but I’m not going to be able to do that,” or “I’m sorry sir, I understand you’re upset, but I’m really not going to be able to do that,” or “There might be another option we can figure out, but I’m not going to be able to do that. I’m not going to let you drive home tonight, sir.” Any of those statements are honest. He’s not driving home. Period.

Compare those statements above to this one: “Well, let me run you through a couple of these tests. Let me see how you do and we’ll make a decision from there.” Sounds kind of wishy-washy, doesn’t it? Now, might that be a tool to use in the moment? Sure. The results of the field sobriety tests will determine whether or not you let them drive home. You may know he’s already past the limit, but by law, you have to run you through those tests. However, individuals in crisis are apt to recognize when you are saying something, or leading them down a road, that is, quite frankly B.S. Avoid that at all costs. Try your best to be honest and up front with them. Let them know: this is what I can do; this is what I can’t do; this is what I know, this is what I don’t know.

If you don’t know something, tell them, “I may have to ask somebody else to get you that answer, sir.”  If you make a mistake, quickly admit it. Maybe you said something you shouldn’t have or promised something you couldn’t get to, whatever it is, be honest with them and admit it.

We have to give respect to get respect. So, when we make a mistake, we admit it. We don’t lead people in crisis, down a road that’s dishonest. They’re going to know we’re telling a lie, and when we’re caught, we have a much lower chance of success in resolving that situation as now we are working from a position of distrust.

It has been said, “Trust makes conflict, a pursuit of truth.” I agree wholeheartedly.  With trust, you have the power to influence thought and behavior. These techniques are used heavily in our de escalation training for customer service.